“CATARSE” é um livro de poemas que explora a força da linguagem para libertar e expressar o âmago do ser. Com versos cuidadosamente elaborados, o livro dá vida ao que antes era etéreo e convida o leitor a uma jornada de autodescoberta.
Com uma linguagem envolvente, “CATARSE” é um livro que emociona, inspira e transforma. Além disso, possui uma edição especial de luxo, com ilustrações coloridas e capa dura, tornando a experiência de leitura ainda mais especial e memorável.
É uma leitura imperdível para os amantes da poesia e para aqueles que buscam uma conexão mais profunda em uma jornada poética para o interior do ser.

palavras têm vida
Mauro Felippe, poeta catarinense, reúne os maiores sucessos de suas quatro obras, “Humanos”, “Nove”, “Ócio” e “Espectros”. Nessa antologia sem igual, permanece o jogo com as palavras, as críticas, as reflexões e as provocações. Endossada por críticos literários e nomes consagrados da literatura brasileira, como o escritor Fernando Jorge, a nova obra também marca a nova fase desse nobre e humilde escritor, que faz das suas poesias uma forte união de versos que imprimem a realidade da humanidade, seja no caos das adversidades ou pela doçura das crianças. Um título para todos que desejam ter acesso ao universo que só a literatura é capaz de criar.

How does a human being act in the world? Do we interact with what is around us? With the people we met? Are we always attentive and solicitous, or do we let the somber side of us shine more than it should? The human being is complex and understanding his relationships and actions (good or bad) is an arduous task. One might think that the only way to find such answers in art would be through such great names as Carlos Drummond, Cecilia Meireles or Clarice Lispector, but one does not have to resort to personalities as always.
Mauro Felippe is one of the new weight names of contemporary poetry and expands discussions on humanity in poetic work Humans. He uses the delicacy and graciousness to turn his thoughts into incisive words that, in addition to snatching the reader, also lead to broad reflections of great themes. The interpersonal relationships of today and the motivations that lead society to its decisions are among the main questions of the work Humans. Seeking to break the behavior of humanity, Mauro uses a rich language that leads to profound insights about man.

With texts of subjective depth and of inspirations sometimes psychological, sometimes philosophical, the author permeates through the years and reflects them in the book Wraith. O poeta catarinense Mauro Felippe partilha da ideia de que cada época da vida é multiplicada pelas sucessivas reflexões das que lhe seguem, e, por isso, para a criança o tempo é tão longo e, em contrapartida, a fase da velhice parece tão curta. Nomes de peso avaliam e prefaciam a obra, já avisando para os interessados: versos marcantes e uma grande aventura poética estão por vir.
Mauro Felippe criou a coletânea a partir de ensaios provenientes de períodos ociosos de paz interior que resultaram em tal construção, profunda e desprovida de princípio, meio e fim. Ou seja, cada peça vale por si mesma, sem estar ligada necessariamente à outra numa sequência, sendo cada página o seu próprio começo e final de acordo com os critérios do próprio leitor. O poeta consegue trazer os espectros visíveis e invisíveis da luz do mundo e da magnificência das pequenas coisas que observadas por olhos como os dele se mostram tão grandiosas.

What do Socrates, Shakespeare, Schopenhauer and Oscar Wilde have in common as well as being some of the great minds of mankind? With different ideological currents, they all served as inspiration for the writer and lawyer, Mauro Felippe. Philosophy served the author to understand the existence and freedom of thought, indicated in his book Idleness, a collection of poems, insights and aphorisms that question the simplest aspects of life. In a reflective plunge into the human condition, the author converges with the book's striking colors, illustrations and designs to present the reader with a true work of art.
The visual composition of the book is in charge of Rael Dionisio, who translates in image everything that Mauro transmits in verses and other forms of texts. A (in) sanity, time, loneliness, hope, destiny, cycles, subjective happiness, the fragility of the heart, the borders of the human being, the beautiful wisdom of nature and animals, corruption, inequality social, ethical and even the interaction between people in the world today. All this in the form of inspirational texts and illustrations for the eyes and the soul.

"There was a stone in the middle of the road, there was a stone in the middle of the road." In 1928, these words of Carlos Drummond de Andrade were published in Revista de Antropofagia. Between criticism and praise, the poet entered the name of the great masters of modern Brazilian poetry. His deep and inspiring way of expressing himself, as well as the sarcastic and ironic tone of portraying human anxieties, served as inspirations for the poet as well Mauro Felippecompose their works. It even included an affectionate poem in honor of the author in his debut book Nine,
intitulada “Ao mestre Drummond”. Além do brasileiro, Mauro also has inspiration in renowned international names like Florbela Espanca and Socrates. The work of such personalities, among others, helped him to walk a path of self-knowledge and the creation of his own style of writing, which discusses varied themes in a strong and unique way. The strong language used by the author further enhances the enthusiastic thoughts used in his work. Nine only one of the poems produced byMauro in adolescence, but is composed mainly of texts created in their adult phase with a mature and realistic tone of the world.