Art and spirit: poetry is the limit
In antiquity, the Greeks made sculptures and plays that addressed religiosity. Later, in the Middle Ages, in the Renaissance and Baroque period, there were also strongly religious creations, in the literary, visual and architectural aspects. It is a fact that the artistic representations and the religion have already been very close together and this occurs until today, but what exists within this thematic today?
Mauro Felippe, a poet and lawyer from Santa Catarina, questions religion in an artistic way in his new work "Espectros". The author writes in the poem "Orai" that the prayers:
Depart from the skies
Believing in the truest things
Loving everyone
On both sides
Aligned with the poetic art of Rael Dionisio, which adds even more force to his words, Mauro builds a true metaphor for life and questions that transcend the soul.